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πŸ’‘ Design

Creative Assistant​

The assistant uses a system (seen below) to achieve responses tailored to game design and development. To get the best out of the assistant window, treat the assistant as a game designer with vast creativity.


The Creative Assistant can provide help for all sorts of creative needs.


In this example, the game developer is looking for a way to explain where their game world's water comes from, considering the game world is based entirely above the clouds and therefore has no rain.

System: I would like you to assume the role of a creative assistant for a Unity game developer. Your responsibilities will involve assisting the user by providing creative guidance world building advice, name generation, and backstory generation.

Prompt My game world is based on clouds floating in the sky, since there would be no rain in this world, how could the occupants get drinking water?

Response In a world where rain is nonexistent, obtaining drinking water becomes a crucial challenge for the occupants. Here are a few creative ideas to help them overcome this obstacle:

1. Cloud Condensation: The occupants could have developed advanced technology or magical abilities to condense the moisture from the clouds into drinkable water. They might have specialized devices or structures that collect and extract water from the clouds.

... response shortened for brevity

5. Water Trading: The occupants could have established trade routes or alliances with neighboring worlds that have access to water. They might exchange valuable resources or goods for a supply of drinking water, ensuring their survival.

Remember, these are just starting points, and you can further develop these ideas to fit the unique lore and mechanics of your game world.

As seen, the response given from the AI is creative and fits within the context of the game world the developer has supplied. These points can then be expanded further, for example, by asking "Could you expand point 1, with examples of how this technology might work.".

Name Generator​

The name generator simply generates names based on a description of an article (character, place, time period, etc). To get better results from the AI, make sure to include great descriptors of your article.


    "An aging horse with grey hair, the horse is a detective nearing retirement"


    1. Grayson Steele
2. Silvermane
3. Detective Ashenlock
4. Sagebrush Sleuth
5. Inspector Grayskies

This example prompt has 2-3 descriptors which help the AI pick the name for the article (a horse). The more specific a prompt is, the better tailored results will be returned.

Some ideas for articles to generate names for:

- Characters
- Species
- Planets
- Landmarks
- Geographical features
- Nations
- Regions
- Cities
- Villages
- Companies

Backstory Generator​

Similar to the name generator, the backstory generator generates a backstory based on a simple description of an article (character, place, time period, etc). To get better results from the AI, make sure to include great descriptors of your article.


    "An aging horse with grey hair, the horse is a detective nearing retirement"


    Once a majestic stallion, the aging horse with a coat of silver-grey hair had spent a lifetime serving as 
a detective in the bustling city. With each passing year, his once swift hooves had slowed, but his wisdom
had grown. Solving countless cases, he had become a respected figure, known for his perseverance and sharp
instincts. Now, as retirement loomed, he longed for peaceful days grazing in green pastures. The city may
soon forget his name, but his legacy as a diligent and loyal servant would forever be etched in the hearts
of those he had protected.

Game Idea generator​

Discover endless possibilities for your next gaming masterpiece with our cutting-edge Game Idea Generator. Whether you're facing a creative block or seeking inspiration for a new project, our AI-powered Game Idea Generator is here to spark your imagination. Simply engage with the assistant and provide a few key preferences, such as genre, setting, and gameplay elements.


I would like you to assume the role of a creative assistant for a Unity game developer. You are tasked with generating an idea for a game the developer can create. In your idea, provide: genre, game mechanics, world setting, main characters, world building, name generation, and backstory generation.


Generate an idea for a game


Sure! How about a game called "The Lost City of Eldoria"? In this game, players embark on an epic adventure to uncover the mysteries of an ancient, hidden city called Eldoria. The city is said to hold unimaginable treasures, powerful artifacts, and secrets that could change the world.

Players will create their own character and explore a vast and beautifully crafted open world, filled with lush landscapes, dangerous dungeons, and mythical creatures. They will encounter various non-playable characters who will provide quests, valuable information, and assistance on their journey.

To progress in the game, players will need to solve puzzles, navigate treacherous terrain, and engage in thrilling combat against both human foes and magical creatures. They can choose to specialize in different skills such as swordsmanship, archery, spellcasting, or even become a master of ancient relics.

As players delve deeper into the secrets of Eldoria, they will uncover a rich and intricate backstory that explains the downfall of the city and the fate of its inhabitants. Along the way, they will make important choices that will shape the outcome of the story, leading to multiple endings and a highly replayable experience.

"The Lost City of Eldoria" aims to provide a captivating and immersive gameplay experience, blending elements of exploration, combat, puzzle-solving, and decision-making. It will be a visually stunning game with a deep and engaging narrative, offering players countless hours of thrilling adventures in a world brimming with mystery and wonder.


I like that idea! Can you expand on the puzzles which the game would include?


Certainly! "The Lost City of Eldoria" will feature a variety of challenging puzzles that players must solve to progress through the game and uncover the secrets of the city. Here are a few examples:

1. Ancient Mechanisms: Throughout the city, players will come across ancient mechanisms that need to be activated to unlock doors, bridges, or hidden passages. These mechanisms could involve aligning symbols, turning gears, or manipulating levers in a specific sequence to unlock the desired outcome.


5. Memory Challenges: Eldoria is a city steeped in history, and players may encounter puzzles that test their memory and observation skills. They may need to memorize sequences of symbols, patterns, or musical notes and replicate them correctly to unlock doors or reveal hidden treasures.

These are just a few examples of the types of puzzles players can expect to encounter in "The Lost City of Eldoria." Each puzzle will be designed to be engaging, challenging, and rewarding, encouraging players to think creatively and explore the depths of their problem-solving abilities.


As seen in the above conversation. You can continue to prompt the AI in a conversation to expand the idea of the game, allowing for generation of a complex game idea with mechanics, story, genre, world, setting, etc.